Here we discuss the common concerns and questions about our energy healing.

What will I experience in a state of healing ease?
**Possibly, but not necessarily, eye flutter, deep relaxation, feelings of warmth, heaviness, tingling, lightness, improved sense of hearing, better memory, or calmness, floating. Sometimes you will not notice any change or out of the ordinary sensation,

What does a "healing" involve?
**Its very simple. You just sit in a chair and relax. My hand is over your head somewhere, not touching at all. You may feel many sensations of energy: heat, tingling, electrical like moments in your body, twitching, shaking, odd "energy" feelings like warm clouds coming over you. I may focus the energy in certain areas needed to heal or cure. I will remove negative energies.

How many healing sessions do I need?
**For major issues, about 4. Some issues can be cleared up in one session. You may find that it just feels so good, and has such benefit, that you will want to come in for a "maintenance" treatment for general health, mental balance, and detox.
Are there any side-effects to the healing?
A feeling of bliss, inner joy, calm, deeper understanding of the world. It is always good, that after a session, whether healing or hypnosis, to immediately go to a cafe nearby, have a nice hot drink and enjoy the good feelings.

What is EFT? 
**EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. There are many examples on youtube. We use a kind of EFT in order to lift out, release, cleanse any negative issues that are causing energy blockages, and thus causing the preconditions for a disease or physical tension. With some emotional issues having been addressed, the energy healing can be all the more effective.

What is guided imagery?
**This is a guided meditation to teach the mind to heal by positive suggestions, metaphors, and relaxation. For example, a guided imagery session for cancer would involve visualizing the body's T-cells destroying the cancer cells.  Generally speaking, the client is led to relax the body, and to maximize the power and the healing effectiveness of their own mind, as well as that of the healer's mind