Trigram Healing deep healing is the combination of several specific techniques, where self-healing speed is multiplied many times, and then augmented by the energy healing powers of the Trigram Healing practitioner. A kind of East meets West, where the East have better knowledge of the science qi and "higher" energies, energy meridians, and the West have some mind-based procedures such as EFT tapping and neurolinguistic programming. These techniques can be used solely or combined with a deep state of healing ease.
Healing ease, or trance states were only relatively recently "discovered" in the west, however ancient Shamans, Buddhists and Taoist meditators, Balinese drummers, African Bushmen have known about the healing properties of altered states since antiquity. A more profound state than "regular" consciousness, or even sleep, the body is able to regenerate, in the same way the body regenerates during periods of deep sleep before and after dreaming. They are natural occuring healing states, however it requires a skilled guide to enable these states at will, and keep them for longer periods of time. The result is a more rapid healing. Healing trance states are natural, very pleasant, and a rapid, effective way to cure a large range of issues, including ones with no known medical cure.
Another mode of healing follows along the work of Dr. John Sarno, author of "Healing Back Pain," and Stephen Parkhill, author of "Answer Cancer." Many diseases can be cured with the release of the causal elements, such as the initial sensitizing events, related people, and negative subsequent emotional compounding from the initial even. This involves age regression and EFT.
While enjoying a time in pleasant deep, rapid healing relaxation, the client can just continue to relax as their immune system and natural defense system are boosted by the Trigram Healing practitioner. It is a completely non-invasive process, and though the body may twitch or feel certain light energy feelings, it is about as pleasant as sitting in a jacuzzi, relaxing after a long day.